Paris Air Show 2023 F168


35 avenue du Général de Gaulle, CS 70405

44602 Saint-Nazaire

Contact : Laurence BELOIN

Providing global solutions for customers & Accelerating opportunities for local companies. Neopolia is a network whose vocation is to build and carry multi-expertise business offers on the main markets of mobility (Aerospace, land mobility, marine) and energies (energy and offshore wind & MRE). It is the customer's single point of entry and organizes and coordinates the industrial implementation of the markets within the companies of the network. Neopolia federates and brings together companies to meet simple or complex, unitary or mass production customer requirements, and participates in the development of industrial sectors. In the aeronautics, space and defense markets, Neopolia brings together more than 60 companies in the Pays de la Loire region. They combine their know-how and collaborate to meet the needs of these markets in an innovative way. Neopolia offers global solutions according to projects such as: - complex tooling, assembly and testing - R&T innovation and demonstrator - onboard equipment and systems - propulsion - interior design - aircraft modifications (DOA-POA) Neopolia is: more than 200 industrial companies, representing 33,000 jobs and more than 150 different expertises.

Business areas


Member of the Gifas

Workforce / export


  • Aerospace Aerospace
    x %
  • Defense / security & civil protection Defense / security & civil protection
    x %
  • Railway Railway
    x %
  • Naval Naval
    x %



Customer references

Le modèle Neopolia bénéficie d’un retour d’expérience de 22 ans, pour s’inscrire dans des partenariats gagnant-gagnant au travers des contrats à commande unique, ou des contrats pluriannuels, avec des acteurs comme Thalès, General Electric, EDF et plusieurs acteurs de la Défense.